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Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

Every day about two hundred and fifty earthquakes take palace around the globe. In total, one million earthquakes occur each year. The death toll resulting from this violent act of nature amounts to abaut fourteen thousand annually.
How does this natural disaster come about? The earth's crust is made up of plates of rocks. It is unstable so there is constant movement amongst these plates. This couses strains on the crust until violent shoks which we call eartgquakes result.
Earthquakes can be measured with a seismograph. This is a sensitive apparatus which records the intensity of the earthquake. An earthquake is measured on a scale of one to ten.
A laage earthquake can release energy as much as two hundred millions tones of explosive. Although scientists are able to make use of these instruments to predict earthquake is to design better eartgquake resistant buldings.
The greatest earthquakes occurred in 1906 in san francisco in america. It measured 8.9 on the scala. Howeve, it was not as fatal as the shensi earthquake io chine in 1556 which claimed about 830.000 lives. There was a quake in nias, indonesia in 2004. The scale was was about 8,7 richter and it was also included in a big one. There were many nictims and collapsed buldings at that moment.

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